Pray the Rain Away

This is a crazy story that happened to me a few years ago.

I was new to the faith and I had recently signed up for the Motel Ministry through Crave. Basically, a group of college aged kids head to a motel in Santa Anna and invite everyone outside for free breakfast, conversation, music, and a message. I had been once before and I loved it. You get to connect and pray with people who are going through hard times. You also get free food.

This particular time, however, was one to remember. I woke up early on Sunday morning and looked out the window. It was pouring! I called one of the leaders of the Motel Ministry and asked her if we were canceling due to the rain. In a very nonchalant way she said, "Don't worry about the rain. We're still meeting up at the church to carpool in half an hour."

I figured that she checked the weather report and it probably said that the rain was going to die down soon. So, I got dressed and headed to the church to meet up with everyone else. The whole way there, it was raining cats and dogs. My windshield wipers never got a break. The rain was bad!

When I got to the church, we all piled in three cars and headed to Santa Anna. On the way there, I asked if we were going to have the message inside or something. Everyone in the car knd of smiled as if they knew something that I didn't. The girl I called earlier was in the front seat. She turned around and said, "Don't worry about the rain. We prayed about it."

I kind of laughed and said something to the effect of, "It doesn't look like it worked."

Again, very nonchalantly, she said, "Just wait. You'll see."

I was new to this whole prayer idea, so I wasn't 100% convinced that they would pray the rain away. Sure enough, I was wrong. The rain continued to pour until we pulled into the parking lot of the Santa Anna motel. As we got out of our cars, the sun came to greet us. Within 20 minutes, while we were setting up, the day was warm and bright.

About 20 residents came out of their rooms and had breakfast with us. We heard a great message and joined together in some moving worship. I had never seen anything like that. In fact, as we were leaving, literally as we were getting on the the freeway, the rain started back up.

God gave us that window to worship Him, because we asked. Prayer works.



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