Each episode took about 3 1/2 hours watch because I had to constantly pause the movie to explain what was going on. She actually loved all of them and now considers herself a fan! She's a very cute girly-girl, so here are some of my favorite quotes/conversations while watching Star Wars:
1. (While watching a battle in space)
Hollie: "Oh! That's so pretty! They should all have different colored lasers so it will look like a rainbow!"
2. (Attack on Hoth, referencing the AT-AT Walkers)
Hollie: "Those look like elephants without noses!"
Me: "They actually studied elephants to get the motion correct."
Hollie: "Baby elephants are so cute!"
3. (Mace Windu's light saber)
Hollie: "Why is his sword purple?"
Me: "Because Samuel L. Jackson said he wanted that color."
Hollie: "I thought his name was Mase Wodu?"
Me: "It's Mace Windu and the actor's name is Samuel L. Jackson."
Hollie: "Purple's a girl color."
4. (When we first meet Lando)
Me: "Did you know that he was the first African American to play a major role in a sci-fi movie?"
Hollie: "What about Mase Wodu?"
Me: "It's Mace Windu and he was in Episodes 1-3 which were filmed later."
Hollie: "But I thought that Mase knew Darth Vader when he was a kid."
Me: "Never-mind."
5. (When we first see the Death Star)
Hollie: "Is that the Death Star?"
Me: "Yes."
Hollie: "They did a good job."
She wasn't talking about the special effects department. She was talking about the actual Empire construction crew.
6. (Episodes 1-3)
Hollie: "I don't like Anakin. He's too whiny."
7. (Episodes 4-6)
Hollie: "I don't like Luke. He's too whiny."
8. (When Palpatine tells Anakin to kill Dooku)
Hollie: "Wait! I thought they were the same guy?"
Me: "Who? Palpatine and Dooku?"
Hollie: "Yeah, don't they work for the Sith Lord guy?"
Me: "Palpatine is the Sith Lord."
Hollie: "But he just got his head cut off?"
Me: "That was Dooku!"
Hollie: "Oh... who's the Sith Lord then?"
9. (I'm trying to remind her who Darth Maul was, literally the day after watching Episode I)
Me: "He's the guy with the double bladed light saber."
Hollie: "I don't remember him or that light saber."
Me: "He was red and black with horns on his head."
Hollie: "There was a red and black guy with horns?"
Me: "He was the main bad guy who killed Qui Gon Jinn."
Hollie: "Qui Gon who?"
Me: "Never-mind."
10. (She knew Luke and Leia were twins because of E3)
Hollie: "Right there! They just kissed!"
Hollie: "There! Rewind that! They totally kissed! Gross!"
Hollie: "Does he know that she's his sister?"
Hollie: "What's wrong with the director?"
Hollie: "Did you see that! He just gave her a look!"
Hollie: "Please tell me they find out before it's too late!"
Hollie: "Why can't she just get with the Indiana Jones guy?"
Me: "I saw. I know. Not yet. Don't know. No he didn't. They do. She does."
I love my wife :)
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