1. Students are very cool and confident among their peers.
2. I am very uncool and uncoordinated among students. My voice cracked multiple times that night... I'm 23.
3. While standing on a chair in the front row of the theater... I slipped and fell. My leg got caught between the seat and backing as I descended, forcing me into the splits. Oh, did I mention that this was in front of 300 students on my first night?
4. A group of student were not paying attention during the message. However, during worship, they were on fire. Works for me!
5. Students have a habit of scanning the room while standing around talking to their friends. What are they scanning for? Other people looking at them of course! Once they notice someone looking at them, they act like they didn't notice and smile while continuing the conversation they momentarily left for scanning purposes. The funny thing is that the person who they noticed looking at them was actually just scanning as well!
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